About Binance Smart Chain API in a Nutshell

April 2023 ยท 4 minute read

In the modern world, against the backdrop of the inculcation of new decentralized financial ways, the number of services that help to carry out instant trading without additional third-party control and intervention is rapidly growing.

IT specialists, solving the problems of optimizing the processes of cryptocurrency decentralized exchanges, are constantly looking for solutions to create various blockchain platforms, the purpose of which is to provide utilizers with fast, direct and decentralized trading. The smart chain of Binance with the api interface - binance smart chain api has become such a platform.

Binance Smart Chain as an advanced blockchain

It should be mentioned that the release of the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) took place on the basis of the Binance Chain blockchain platform which was functioning already, however not for replacement it, but for parallel functioning. But at the same time some prospective novelties were brought into this blockchain platform.

First of all, a more progressive step is that the BSC makes it possible to use the so-called smart contracts or, in other words, IT- agreements that must follow certain leads already embedded in the blockchain. In addition, by starting to use the BSC service, any developer can independently create their own decentralized applications, which also have the ability to use smart contracts. At the same time, not only the high speed of transactions is preserved, but also all the possibilities provided earlier are greatly expanded. It also needs to be focused on another significant advantage of the BSC - this service makes it possible to run additional applications from Ethereum. It means that it provides compatibility with the Ethereum virtual IT platform - EVM. The purpose of such compatibility is simple and obvious - any decentralized applications from any other blockchain can be easily transferred to the BSC.

Based on the foregoing, the target orientation of the BSC towards users becomes obvious. That is, for the most part, the main circle of utilizers of this service are developers of various decentralized applications.

Features of BSC api

Having pointed out the possibilities and advantages of the BSC itself, one cannot fail to say about the areas of activity that our BSC api service provides to utilizers. So, using the BSC api allows you to interact with BNB Chain by using a fairly simple remote procedure call protocol (JSON-RPC). In addition, the BSC is supported by the Erigon software project what makes requests to the nodes of the Ethereum archive possible.

So, let's once again list the main advantages of the BSC api for utilizers.

1. Since the BSC api provides for a significant geographical coverage, 90% of the availability of zones for utilizers is ensured

2. One of the most important indicators for users is being fulfilled - the speed of the service. In practice, this means that almost 100% of the time the BSC api works without failures.

3. The service guarantees an almost instantaneous response to utilizers requests, providing a minimum waiting time of up to 85.6ms, regardless of the place of connection with the utilizers

4. All transactions are carried out without any external intervention or control of any individuals or legal entities

5. Equally important is that there is the function of automatic software updates

6. The possibility of data loss is excluded, since absolutely all utilizers transactions are saved and transmitted, which means that the coherence of all data is guaranteed

7. The JSON Web Token standard is used to create access certificates, which ensures a secure exchange of information between two participants

These and other important advantages that the use of the BSC api gives the utilizers can be found on our website by studying the relevant documentation. In addition, our specialists are always up to date with all the latest developments and innovations related to the BSC blockchain platform and applications related to decentralized finance. In order to constantly acquaint our utilizers with new information, updates and news, a special blog has been created on the site. We invite to visit it not only for existing utilizers, but also for all those who want to get information about both the BSC api and everything that happens in the world of decentralized financial operations, functions and opportunities.

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