SHIBORI TIE-DYE MAKING FOR BEGINNERS: A Simple Step-by-Step Instructional
SHIBORI TIE-DYE MAKING FOR BEGINNERS: A Simple Step-by-Step Instructional Guide for Learning Shibori Tie-Dye Techniques
Shibori, often known as tie-dye, is a binding resist dye technique that has existed almost as long as civilization. Shibori is a Japanese term that refers to a range of techniques for resist-dying textiles.Traditionally, this Japanese technique involved folding, bunching, or twisting a white material (typically cotton, silk, or hemp), then tying it and finally dipping it into a natural indigo dye.The shibori patterns are unique, beautiful, and amazing. In which you can create a pattern that resembles heavy rain during a storm, create geometric grid patterns, a sequence of spindly spider webs, squares, triangles, and many more!Learn the various shibori techniques with this book. GET YOUR COPY NOW by clicking "BUY NOW!"
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