Where Can I Sell My eBay Gift Card?

April 2023 · 3 minute read

Do you have an unwanted eBay gift card lying around? Selling the card online isn’t always the easiest thing to do, which is why I’ve laid out step-by-step instructions on how to sell ebay gift card for cash. Follow these instructions and you’ll be able to use your eBay gift card in no time! 

If you're reading this, then it's obvious that you need money, right? You might not know how or where to get it, but here I'll tell you exactly how you can get cash quickly by selling your unused ebay gift cards using different platforms!

Get Rid of Your eBay Gift Card

Selling an unwanted or unused eBay gift card is a great way to earn extra money. And, since there are so many people who use these cards and don’t end up using them, it’s easy to find someone willing to pay you cash for yours. Not only will you earn some extra money on a useless item, but you’ll also contribute toward reducing waste and pollution in our landfills!

Choose Where to Sell eBay Gift Card

Before you sell eBay gift card, it’s important to choose where you’re going to go. This is because there are many different places that will buy Ebay cards, each with its own unique policies and restrictions. For example, some sites will only offer up to 90% of a card’s value while others may not even offer a full 100%. 

Knowing what you’re working with is key before committing. There are also different kinds of gift cards on Ebay. Some have physical plastic associated with them while others have no plastic at all. Be sure to read through a site’s FAQ page or call them directly if you have any questions about selling an electronic gift card on their platform.

Start The Process

You can sell ebay gift card in one of two ways. First, you can list it directly on eBay or through an affiliate marketplace such as Raise or Cardpool. Alternatively, you can find a buyer through a secondary market site like GiftCardGranny or CardCash. Once you’ve found a buyer, proceed with transaction as usual and use PayPal to transfer funds directly between accounts.

Selling your eBay Gift Card at GC Buying

A good number of people who sign up at GC Buying do so to sell their gift cards. This might happen if they need money urgently and don’t want to wait for a check in the mail or perhaps they are simply tired of seeing an EBay Gift Card in their wallet that they never use. 

Either way, it’s a great way to get extra cash out of something you already have. If you have an unused EBay Gift Card, GC Buying can purchase your gift card at a good price. 

To sell ebay gift card at GC Buying, simply signup on their website and give the all details to their WhatsApp. There is no risk involved as they buy all types of gift cards.

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